Confessions of an (UN)Intentional Barfly!

Friday, March 18, 2005

To be a Rock and not to Roll!

I never really understood why Metal and Heavy Metal ever got so famous. I know I may upset a lot of people who like Metal and they have the right of their opinion. And this is nothing about criticizing their taste in music. But I am just kind of wondering out loud.

I brought out some of my old CDs and suddenly an Iron Maiden popped on my boombox. Now, what kind of freak would make a song called "Bring you Daughter, Bring Your Daughter to the slaughter, Let her go let her go let her go!" I remember hearing this song a long time ago and never liking it one bit, except that the absurdity of the lyrics caught my attention everytime I played it.

Which gets to the second part of Metal that I never got to get tuned to - The Vocals and Lyrics. I mean that apart from being lucky enough to catch any vocals at all, you would need to be God to make out the Lyrics without Googling for a little help. But then sometimes you just need to hear Metal to know the music can be made out of noise as well. Well you would feel like drums and guitars all but trying to tear each other apart but they still manage to stay in sync. Amazing!

Being someone who has over the years I have grown into Rock and slowly gone into classic rock, I am just satisfied with my Simon and Garfinkle, Bob Dylan, Pearl Jam, Lynyrd Skynyrd, CCR, CSNY and the kind, where vocals and lyrics either dominate or atleast level up with instruments.


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